5 Things You Can Do to Better Manage Chronic Back Pain During Quarantine
Posted on June 11, 2020
The coronavirus outbreak has completely changed the way we live and work. For most of us who usually work in an office, the shift to our home kitchen counter hasn’t been particularly easy.
But even if you already work from home, or you’re retired, not being able to go out and take a walk can feel frustrating. And what suffers the most is your back.
Here’s what you can do to manage chronic back pain until you can finally get out of quarantine and feel the Earth beneath your feet again.
Home Training Plan
Staying active is key to reducing back pain. Your back hurts when you sit all day long, putting a lot of strain on the discs that support your spine. And if you don’t have good posture, the pain rears its head much sooner.
Developing a home training plan will get your muscles and ligaments working, which will in turn improve your mobility and reduce stiffness and pain.
Exercising will also prevent you from putting on extra weight, which could put even more stress on your spine.
Stretching every morning helps you start the day with more energy. It improves your circulation and helps keep the muscles and joints flexible, healthy, and strong.
When you stretch, you reduce the tension in your muscles, which is especially crucial for those that support your spine. Again, sitting around all day long strains them a lot, but a few stretching exercises several times a day can work wonders for the pain.
An Adjusted Diet
Your diet affects back pain more than you know. It is important to pay attention to what you eat because many inflammatory foods can actually worsen the pain.
Ideally, try and avoid the following:
- enriched white flour
- processed foods
- snacks
- soda
- milkshakes
- added sugar
- hydrogenated oils
- caffeine
- alcoholic drinks
Many of these may be tempting, especially during quarantine, but resist the urge if you want to better control back pain.
Medication should be your last resort, as alleviating pain without need for prescription medication may be better for your health.
But if you’re dealing with severe pain that prevents you from getting up or engaging in basic activities, taking medication may be recommended by your pain physician.
Be sure to consult with your qualified pain doctor before taking any medication. Reach out to your provider to determine the best medication and dosage for your individual pain condition and situation.
Keep Your Mind Engaged
Your mind can be powerful when it comes to managing pain. You can’t wish pain away, but you can forget about it for a while if you engage your mind in something exciting.
Do something that completely occupies your mind, such as playing a video game. You’ll be so focused on leveling up, that back pain will become background noise. Try anything that keeps your mind busy, and you may experience at least temporary relief from your pain.
Quarantine doesn’t have to be difficult, exasperating, painful or unhealthy. There’s so much you can do at home to keep your body and mind in top condition. Start with these tips, and you’ll hopefully feel better before you know it.
Are You Living with Back Pain?
Day-to-day living can be challenging for those who suffer from back pain, and today’s uncertain climate can make these challenges feel even worse.
At Riverside Pain Physicians, we are committed to helping our patients live a more pain-free quality of life. Our highly skilled physicians are dedicated to relieving your suffering and ensuring your comfort with compassionate, individualized care and state-of-the-art technologies for pain relief.
If you suffer from chronic back pain and feel even more achy and anxious than usual due to the COVID19 pandemic, take steps to help yourself so you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever comes your way.
Let us help to alleviate your suffering — reach out to us at Riverside Pain Physicians today at 800.215.0029, or click here to make an appointment online.