5 Tips to Help You Navigate Coronavirus When You Have a Chronic Illness
Posted on July 9, 2020
Anyone can be affected by the coronavirus, but people who already have health are at higher risk of developing serious complications if they get infected.
In case you are suffering from a chronic illness, you might be extra-concerned about your safety. Here are five expert tips that can help you work proactively to avoid severe symptoms.
1. Know which chronic diseases are prone to complicate
Having a chronic illness doesn’t mean that you are more likely to catch the virus than someone else. However, if you get a coronavirus infection, your medical condition can get complicated if you suffer from these chronic issues:
- Chronic respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, and COPD
- Heart disease
- Liver disease
- Diabetes
- Neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and Parkinson’s
2. Social distancing and isolation goes double for you
Everyone needs to keep up with the social distancing rules to minimize the chances of catching the virus. People who suffer from chronic illnesses are in a high-risk group whose symptoms can get severely worsened in a short amount of time.
That’s why you need to be extra careful and isolate yourself from everyone you can. Completely healthy people can get the virus and have no symptoms, (though, even those people can develop complications from the disease.) Because COVID-19 may not present with symptoms in healthy people, they can easily transmit the virus to high-risk patients.
3. Have enough medication to cover two weeks
If you are taking prescribed medication for your condition, you need to take necessary steps to prepare for strict isolation. First of all, ask a family member, or some friend to pick up your medication. Furthermore, stock up on an extra amount of your prescriptions for at least two weeks, if permitted.
Taking these steps will prevent you from having to leave isolation more than necessary or causing friends and family to make more frequent trips to pick up your medications for you. It’s imperative that you continue any prescription regimen(s) to ensure that your existing medical condition doesn’t damage your immune system or lead to further health issues.
4. Keep up with your check-ups
It’s important that you do not neglect your pre-existing condition while facing a pandemic. If possible, make sure to keep your regular check-up appointments concerning your illness, provided that your physician can safely consult with you.
Make sure to wear a mask when going to your doctor, wash your hands, avoid touching your face, and consider carrying a hand sanitizer with you. Try setting up video visits with your doctor, if possible, or schedule regular phone calls.
5. Stay on top of important COVID-19 updates
Every day there is new information about the virus, how it works, and how we can protect ourselves against it. Make sure to stay informed of the latest developments.
Every piece of new information matters, and may make the difference between staying healthy and getting infected. However, be sure to rely only on official government sources and information from major health organizations, as there is a great deal of misinformation out there from less reliable sources.
Stay at home and leave only when absolutely necessary. Stock up on supplies so that you can afford to be isolated for more extended periods if needed.
If Your Existing Medical Condition is Causing You Pain, We Can Help
At Riverside Pain Physicians, we are committed to helping our patients live a more pain-free quality of life, whether during ‘normal’ times or in crisis. Our skilled physicians are highly experienced in treating pain that results from all types of medical conditions.
We are dedicated to relieving your discomfort with compassionate, individualized care and state-of-the-art technologies for pain relief.
If you suffer from chronic pain, regardless of your underlying condition, let us help to ease your suffering — reach out to us today at 904.389.1010, or click here to schedule an appointment online.
Tags: coronavirus, coronavirus chronic illness, health risks