Back Pain: Factors that Cause It and How to Find Relief
Posted on September 1, 2017
It’s understandable that an accident or lifting heavy objects incorrectly can lead to recurring back problems that make it difficult to bend, walk, or turn without feeling discomfort. Sometimes the simplest task such as brushing your teeth or tying your shoes can result in excruciating pain that makes it impossible for a person to move. Some reasons may seem reasonable for a person to feel pain in their back, but underlying problems that can be contributing to the discomfort they experience.
Issues that Can Result in Chronic Back Discomfort
- Age can play a key factor in back problems as the discs and bones in the back begin to degenerate.
- Genetic disorders such as osteoarthritis, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, or spondylolisthesis can be inherited.
- Previous injuries to a back or surgeries can contribute to back pain in Jacksonville.
- Poor posture such as slouching can create discomfort in the back.
- Obesity is a leading factor in why people suffer from back pain with the additional strain the extra weight causes.
- Even wearing the wrong type of shoes can cause back problems!
A Solution is Available
Chronic back pain can greatly impact a person’s life depending on how severe the discomfort is and the duration of the pain. If the problem is severe enough, it can affect the individual’s ability to work and pose a financial problem for them. Fortunately, a solution can be found to help manage the pain or eliminate it from their life. The first step in finding relief from chronic or acute back problems is scheduling an appointment with a pain specialist. An expert can help diagnose the problem and find the primary reason for the back issues and develop a customized care plan that fits their specific condition.
Begin Managing Your Pain Today!
At Riverside Pain Physicians, they can offer you a team of experts that specialize in the different types of medical conditions that contribute to unbearable pain. From weight loss to medicine, they will work with you to determine which type of treatment can help you manage your discomfort to live a pain-free life. Just as each patient’s condition is unique to them, they require a treatment plan that is custom made for their issues.
Click here to ger more information on Factors of Back Pain in Jacksonville area.
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