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No One Understands Your Chronic Pain the Way You Do
Posted on May 11, 2021
If you suffer from chronic pain symptoms, you’ve probably become something of an expert on the subject. You know about your pain; what activities cause it or make it worse, what time of night or night it happens most frequently, what not to do to increase your pain symptoms and what remedies help to relieve […]

Why a Pain Management Physician is Most Qualified for Treating Your Chronic Pain
Posted on March 29, 2021
Pain physicians, pain specialists, or pain doctors can be doctors of osteopathy or medical doctors. They specialize in medicine related to pain. It focuses on preventing, treating, and evaluating pain. Pain physicians manage pain caused by disease and pain disorders. Pain physicians also work as consultants to other health care providers and can help them […]

These Common Pain Symptoms May Indicate Herniated Disc (aka “Slipped Disc”)
Disc herniation is one of the most common back problems people experience today. This painful condition can make common physical movements difficult, causing sufferers to miss out on many of life’s most enjoyable activities. Our spine is comprised of bones known as vertebrae. Between each of these bones are spinal discs that, when ruptured, can […]

Do Women Feel More Pain More Intensely than Men?
Posted on January 12, 2021
Many people believe that women have a higher threshold for pain because they can endure childbirth. To some degree this may be true, because the female body is designed to release certain hormones that act as pain-blockers of sorts during the birthing process, so the mother’s perception of the pain may be diminished. But overall, […]

Sufferers of LSS Find Immediate Pain Relief with Life-Changing Alternative to Surgery
Posted on December 8, 2020
Each year, 1 million+ Americans suffer from the debilitating effects of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS), a painful condition that limits the ability of sufferers to walk farther than 50 feet without experiencing pain. Patients who suffer from LSS usually find relief only when sitting down or leaning forward, and may suffer an array of painful […]

Orthopaedic Surgeons and Pain Doctors Work Together for Patients in Pain
When people suffer from injury or disorders of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons or muscles, a visit to an orthopaedic surgeon may be necessary, in order to diagnose and treat these issues. Orthopaedic surgeons play an important role in the care of injured patients, some specializing in treatment for specific areas of the body such […]

How the Vaccine Development Process Works
Since development in the late 1700’s, the use of vaccines has been profoundly beneficial in reducing or eliminating the spread of viral diseases. Thanks to this ‘miracle of modern science’, infectious diseases such as smallpox and polio have been effectively halted in their tracks. Fast forward to 2020, as the world awaits a life-saving vaccine […]

Are Electrodiagnostic Tests Necessary for Neck & Back Pain?
Posted on November 3, 2020
When patients experience neck or back pain, a pain physician may check the nerves and muscles using electrodiagnostic tests to detect any damage. Neck or back pain can cause numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in the arm or leg, often due to an irritated or pinched nerve. These symptoms typically dissipate on their own, but […]

Help Manage Chronic Pain with These 5 Simple Lifestyle Changes
Posted on November 2, 2020
If you suffer from a chronic pain condition, you understand that sometimes the simplest daily activities can be a challenge. But even if your condition requires interventional treatment by a pain management specialist, there are some simple modifications you can make in your daily routine that may also help to reduce your pain symptoms. Here […]

How Did Ruth Bader Ginsberg Work Through the Pain?
Posted on September 28, 2020
With the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, (known to many as RBG,) we express our heartfelt condolences to those mourning the loss of her, and honor her legacy by remembering those exceptional qualities that made her such an extraordinary being in our time. There are many reasons the life of RBG is notable, including her […]