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Pain Relief Treatments: Then & Now
Posted on July 9, 2020
As long as humans have been alive, so has the need for pain relief. Even our most ancient ancestors sought to develop what they considered “modern medicine” in their time, with whatever limited knowledge they possessed about the human anatomy and treatment techniques. By today’s standards, many of the ancient pain treatments are considered ineffective, […]

There Is No Need to Suffer-Get Pain Management Today
Posted on March 14, 2018
If you’re in pain, there is no need to suffer. Fighting through the pain can make daily life nearly unbearable. Fortunately, there are pain clinics that can get you back to normal with fast and effective treatments. For the relief you need, head to Riverside Pain Physicians. They have the Jacksonville pain physicians that offer […]

Pain Physicians Can Help You with Chronic Pain Management
Posted on February 23, 2018
What do you think of when you hear the words ‘pain physician?’ What exactly can they do for you when it comes to eliminating pain from your life? This type of specialist has had special training when it comes to the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of many different types of pain. A wide spectrum of […]