Herniated Disc Treatment Gets to the Base of Your Pain
Posted on February 10, 2018
A herniated disc injury is quite common and can happen along any part of your spine. The condition itself causes severe pain as well as many other types of problems within your legs and arms. What exactly is a herniated disc? Vertebral discs are rubbery, flexible cushions that support your vertebral bones. Those cushions make it easy for your spine to bend and twist. Each disc has its own soft inner nucleus surrounded by an outer wall that’s fibrous. A herniated disc happens when the nucleus pushes through an outer wall. The herniation can result in a bulge that presses against nerve roots that are nearby. This is what causes a herniated disc to be quite painful. If you’re suffering from this type of pain it’s time to seek treatment for your herniated disc in Jacksonville from Riverside Pain Physicians.
What Causes Herniated Discs?
One of the most common causes of herniated discs is aging. The spinal discs began to weaken which causes them to bulge. This is known as disc degeneration, and it takes several years for the normal wear and tear to cause problems within the spine. Herniated discs often result from traumatic injuries, overuse or lifting something heavy improperly. Symptoms tend to vary depending on the location of the herniated disc as well as the severity for the rupture. Some cause absolutely no symptoms, and you may not even understand that you have an injury. However, some herniated discs cause severe pain, tingling, weakness and even numbness. They typically occur along the lower back and can also cause symptoms in feet, legs and the buttocks. Herniated discs have also been detected in the neck where they cause some of the same symptoms within the hands, arms and shoulders.
Seek Treatment for Pain Relief
It is advisable to seek treatment from a pain physician if you are suffering from herniated discs. There are many treatment options that will be discussed once you have been evaluated. A lot of the treatments depend on the severity and location of the injury. Treatments can include pain relieving medication, corticosteroid injections or even muscle relaxers. In some cases, a herniated disc can be treated using physical therapy. If the injury is severe, it’s possible that you may need treatment via surgery. Make an appointment with Riverside Pain Physicians to find out how to best deal with a herniated disc, and free yourself from the pain once in for all!