Pain Spotlight: Neck Pain
Posted on November 21, 2019
Neck pain is one of the most common causes of pain. In fact, according to a 2017 research study, the number of people who experience neck pain at any given time varies wildly from a low of around 16% to a high of 75%. This number will surely rise even more as smartphone popularity continues. Leaning over a computer or mobile device for as many hours as most adults do can cause significant problems for the neck.
Of course, this kind of muscle strain isn’t the only cause of neck pain. Joint changes, herniated discs, or other specific problems, like bone spurs, can also cause neck pain. So, too, can injuries or conditions like arthritis. Some people experience neck pain as a symptom of another medical condition, as well.
Relieving Neck Pain: What Helps?
If you experience neck pain, talk with your Riverside Pain physician to discuss the causes and to develop a personalized treatment plan. It may be helpful to keep notes on what seems to trigger the pain and on how it affects your ability to work, sleep, and participate in activities. Treatment options will vary depending on your particular condition. However, most everyone can benefit from the following suggestions:
- Take as many breaks as possible when working at a computer, using a smartphone, watching television, or doing anything that involves keeping your neck still. Regular breaks to gently stretch your body and move around are beneficial to the neck. When you can’t take a break, try to adjust your viewing device in a way that is optimal for your neck. For instance, tilting your smartphone up rather than down or flat will place less pressure on your neck. You can also adjust computer monitors or other devices, so that they cause less hunching and better posture when in use.
- Talk with your doctor about an appropriate and safe exercise plan for your chronic pain. Exercise has been shown in countless research studies to help boost moods and reduce pain. The neck, in particular, benefits from regular, whole body exercise. There are many types of exercise that may be best for your conditions, from water aerobics and light swimming to restorative yoga and strength training.
- Try heat. A warm bath is particularly helpful when the cause of your neck pain is muscle strain. Your doctor might also give you a specific plan for using ice and heat to relieve neck pain, such as using ice for 20 minutes and then switching to heat.
- Be aware of how little, unexpected things can affect your neck pain. For example, avoid heavy lifting and carrying heavy purses or bags that could make your neck pain worse. At night, make sure that your pillows aren’t too high or too low for your neck.
Searching for a Pain Management Doctor in Florida?
Riverside Pain Physicians is ready to treat your neck pain. We have four locations in the Jacksonville area to serve your pain needs. Contact us today to discuss your neck pain and how we can help. You can also follow us on Facebook to learn more about chronic pain.
Tags: neck-pain-jacksonville, neck-pain-treatment, neck-pain-treatment-jacksonville