Are You in Need of Back Pain Treatments in Jacksonville?

Posted on March 27, 2018

If you or a family member, friend, or loved one is struggling through life with back pain, you know how devastating it can be and how easily it can rob the joy out of life. Pain can keep you from doing the things you want to do and need to do on a daily basis. Here at Riverside Pain Physicians, we help treat all types of back pain, which can be divided into one of two general categories- acute pain and chronic pain.

Acute Back Pain

Most instances of back pain that get reported to medical professionals fall into this category. Acute pain is usually defined as pain that comes on suddenly from a marked or obvious cause and usually lasts less than 8-10 weeks. Pulling your back after moving the couch or suffering whiplash after an auto accident are examples of acute back pain. Treatments for acute pain often involve diagnosing the cause and healing that injury and strengthening the areas to avoid future injuries from aggravating the condition. Pain medication, therapy, and treatment of injuries make up the bulk of our back pain treatments in Jacksonville for this type of pain.

Chronic Back Pain

With this type of pain, there is often not one marked event that caused the onset, or there is a slower buildup of pain and symptoms that accumulate and worsen the condition over time. Degenerative disc disorders or severe arthritis or pain caused by osteoporosis are common examples of causes for chronic back pain. Chronic back pain is much more difficult to treat as there is often not just one issues causing the problem or the one or two primary causes are very severe or advanced in their own right. You can try to repair damaged muscled or discs, but re-growing damaged bones and healing damaged nerves are almost impossible. This is why chronic pain is so long lasting and hard to cure.

If you have been looking for help with your back pain, the team at Riverside Pain Physicians can help! We offer treatments and therapies for both acute and chronic pain to help relieve pain and repair damage and reduce symptoms as much as possible. Our goal is to get our patients back to a level of health where they can get back to their normal lives with as little pain and limitation as possible. Contact us today to get started!

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