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How to Manage Your Chronic Pain When You Travel
Posted on May 11, 2021
If you live with chronic pain, traveling can be a real challenge; one you might avoid altogether if possible. But sometimes traveling is necessary, and with many modes of travel re-opening after previous pandemic lockdowns, it’s once again becoming commonplace to take a plane, train or ship to your next far-away destination. Still, millions of […]

How Good News Can Help Relieve Your Chronic Pain
It seems these days there’s no shortage of troubling news out there, and thanks to current events, many people are feeling more stressed out than ever before. It’s not unusual to be adversely affected on a mental and emotional level by an over-abundance of worries and disruptions in everyday life. But after a while, these […]

No One Understands Your Chronic Pain the Way You Do
If you suffer from chronic pain symptoms, you’ve probably become something of an expert on the subject. You know about your pain; what activities cause it or make it worse, what time of night or night it happens most frequently, what not to do to increase your pain symptoms and what remedies help to relieve […]

Dr. Cole Linville Joins Riverside Pain Physicians
Posted on April 2, 2021
Riverside Pain Physicians is proud to announce a new addition to our team of dedicated pain management specialists, Dr. Cole Linville. Dr. Linville grew up in the mid-west and graduated from the University of Missouri. He attended medical school at Kansas City University of Medicine and completed his residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at […]

Causes and Treatment for Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Pain
The Sacroiliac (SI) Joint is located in the lower part of the body between the Sacrum, (the big, triangle-shaped bone at the base of your spine,) and the ilium, (the large broad bone forming the upper part of each half of the pelvis.) This low-motion joint connects the hip bones to each side of the […]