Why a Pain Management Physician is Most Qualified for Treating Your Chronic Pain

Posted on March 29, 2021

Pain physicians, pain specialists, or pain doctors can be doctors of osteopathy or medical doctors. They specialize in medicine related to pain. It focuses on preventing, treating, and evaluating pain. Pain physicians manage pain caused by disease and pain disorders. Pain physicians also work as consultants to other health care providers and can help them […]

These Common Pain Symptoms May Indicate Herniated Disc (aka “Slipped Disc”)

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Disc herniation is one of the most common back problems people experience today. This painful condition can make common physical movements difficult, causing sufferers to miss out on many of life’s most enjoyable activities. Our spine is comprised of bones known as vertebrae. Between each of these bones are spinal discs that, when ruptured, can […]

Have Back Pain but Not Sure About Surgery? This May Be the Answer.

Posted on March 2, 2021

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit a pain management expert. Pain management physicians are specially trained to diagnose and treat the symptoms of various pain conditions such as Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Osteoarthritis and damaged spinal discs, among others. Among the reasons pain doctors have the ability to provide relief for […]

5 Activities that May Help Keep Chronic Back Pain at Bay

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You may have chronic back pain because of injury, bad posture, or hours spent sitting at your desk. But trying to avoid the pain and leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle can be even more detrimental. Many people resort to taking more pain medication and overexerting themselves. This lifestyle is not a smart choice, either. While […]

Do Women Feel More Pain More Intensely than Men?

Posted on January 12, 2021

Many people believe that women have a higher threshold for pain because they can endure childbirth. To some degree this may be true, because the female body is designed to release certain hormones that act as pain-blockers of sorts during the birthing process, so the mother’s perception of the pain may be diminished. But overall, […]